In our latest paper we have worked for reducing shrinkage of polymeric 3D-printed materials. Congrats to Phillip Marx, Angelo Romano, and all co-authors.
Read MoreOggi iniziano le lezioni. Nuovi studenti e nuove energie da spendere per mostrare al meglio la bellezza e la magia del mondo dei polimeri. In questo periodo di lotta indiscriminata alla plastica non sarà semplice dimostrare l’importanza di questo materiale a discapito della disattenzione da parte delle persone nel suo uso e smaltimento. Partirò dal […]
Read MoreTalking about cationic photopolymerization and its new frontiers: glass and carbon fibers epoxy composites, cationic frontal polymerization and epoxy functionalized bio-renewable monomers.
Read MoreThe second day of Photopolymerization Fundamentals 2019 is over. Today many inspiring talks on the use of photopolymerization for producing biomaterials for tissue engineering.
Read MoreThe first day of Fundamentals in Photopolymerization is over. We learnt advanced 3D printing tecnique, photoswitchable crosslinked films, UV-cured elastomers. Now is poster time. #photopolymerization#research#polymers#photopolymerizationfundamentals2019#posters
Read MoreWaiting the beginning of the conference with my wonderful PhD students
Read MoreAfter few days of stop-over in New York I am now ready for the conference in Monterey. Ready to follow all the talks about recent advanced in photopolymerization as well as to show our recent results in the field.
Read MoreAnother student from CoACH ETN, Matteo Cavasin has successfully passed his PhD defense and awarded the PhD in Materials Science at Politecnico di Torino. Congratulations Matteo. All the best.
Read MoreLet’s introduce the Sulfonium salt, a strong superacid precursor, the one from whom cationic photopolymerization starts. If you are curious, check our open-access review New Horizons in Cationic Photopolymerization ( You will be introduced to the latest advances, from the synthesis of cationic photoinitiators to the most recent applications. #research #review #photopolymerization #polymers #materialscience #technology […]
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