politecnico di torino materials science

Graduation day

Even if this difficult moment for Italy and the entire world, we are proud and happy to celebrate the graduation in Materials Science of our students at Politecnico di Torino. It was an emotional moment for my students and me. Lorenzo Pezzana, Daniele Maugeri, Corrado Dall’Argine, and Valentina Cavallo showed their excellent works. Congrats also to my students Martina Cattaruzza for her graduation in Chemical Engineering.

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Inizia il nuovo corso di Scienza e Tecnologia dei Materiali Polimerici

Oggi iniziano le lezioni. Nuovi studenti e nuove energie da spendere per mostrare al meglio la bellezza e la magia del mondo dei polimeri. In questo periodo di lotta indiscriminata alla plastica non sarà semplice dimostrare l’importanza di questo materiale a discapito della disattenzione da parte delle persone nel suo uso e smaltimento. Partirò dal […]

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Sulfoniun salt

Let’s introduce the Sulfonium salt, a strong superacid precursor, the one from whom cationic photopolymerization starts. If you are curious, check our open-access review New Horizons in Cationic Photopolymerization (https://doi.org/10.3390/polym10020136). You will be introduced to the latest advances, from the synthesis of cationic photoinitiators to the most recent applications. #research #review #photopolymerization #polymers #materialscience #technology […]

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